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I like when people send me good vibes...It's better than saying you are praying for someone and then not pray...
Let’s do some thinking about the gospel according to Iron Man. Now Iron Man or Tony Stark doesn’t have super powers. He’s a guy who’s reall...
Does God accept us as we are or does he want to change us? The answer is both. God accepts us as we are, but loves us too much to leave us ...
We need to stop taking offense. It interrupts the process of important conversations that help us figure things out, and it creates a cult...
Are you really telling me a murderer will go to heaven if he turns to Jesus and I won’t? Actually it is the most just approach...
We smile when kids do things to be seen by others, but we never even as adults really lose that desire. That desire in us points to a larg...
Do we obey God because he loves us or so that he will love us?
Why can't God just forgive us? Why does Jesus have to die on the cross to do it? What does that accomplish? Well, we know if we hit som...